Thursday, December 1, 2011

Habit of the month follow-up and the new month

I am later getting this posted then I wanted, but here it is anyway:
Wow!  Is anyone else amazed by how quickly November seemed to pass?  As I review the habit for November, being thankful, seems that the habit was not necessarily something new that I did this past month.  It was simply an extension of what I seek to do anyway.

My thankfulness cards that I was to write in each day; well, did not get written in every day.  About half of them are used.  Rather than trying to finish it off the last week, I just let it be, continued on until the month end and now am tying it off and putting it my folder for review next year.

With all that is happening in our lives in December (well, it may not be that much, but as I stand looking ahead at it, it seems very mountainous), I am not seeking to establish a new habit.  Rather, perfect and hone the ones I have been working on this year.  Specifically, I am thinking of my follow through with projects and ideas and the act of completion in the task I undertake.

All in all, I am seeking to have a joyous, blessed and wonderous Christmas season and start of a great new year!