Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New Location

I am moving my blogspot site to a new location.  Check out the new site at Inspire to Simple.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Are you ready for the Summer Challenge?

Summer is coming  . . . With the new season comes time for a new Hello Mornings! Challenge. I personally did not participate in the last session study on Job (I had another study I was trying to finish), and I am looking forwarding to being part of the Hello Mornings! Study again. 

The summer session which runs May 6th through August 2nd is participating in a Quench Bible Study by Katie Orr and Lara Williams, Meet Jesus, which covers the NT book of John.  All participants receive a copy of this study free. Registration is open until Friday, May 3rd.  Click here to register for this 13 week challenge with an online accountability group. Perfection is not a requirement! You only need a desire to meet with God in the morning and commitment to checking in with your group. There are Twitter and Facebook groups available, but some are already full, so if your thinking about, don't wait too long.  Register here.

Whether you choose to participate or not, may this summer be one that draws you closer to God. I look forward to "seeing" you at the Hello Mornings! Challenge.

Monday, January 7, 2013

What new habit?

Here I am at the beginning of a new month, and my calendar and to do list are telling me I wanted to post a new habit for the new month.  Since I have been revamping the way I am writing and posting things my "Habit of the Month" series has moved to my new blog, Simplicity And Inspiration.  (Go ahead and check it out on side bar and let me know what you think.)  

Here are some of the my thoughts as I processed what to writing and what habit to select for the new month. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Glories and Uncertainty of Opportunity


Opportunity . . . the word seems so rich with possibilities and the potential of what could be and will be. Yet, there is the slight hesitation of what is unknown and all the the veil over the future hides from our view. Do I stand or sit in uncertainty  paralyzed by what I don't know and can't see, or do I reach out and take that stop of faith and go for the possible glory that opportunity holds.