Week five is drawing to a close, and it seems as if the time has flown this week. Study has been more challenging, and I am slipping in my early morning study time. It is more of a mid-day study time the last few days. I am continuing to rise early (for the most part), but my family is starting to make the adjustment to early mornings along with me, and so what has been a quiet time for me in the early hours is becoming more of a family time. I love the transition for us all, we seem to be starting our days better because it, but I am missing the alone time before everyone else is up.
The passage of study this week has been a challenge to read each day. The sentence structure and flow of thoughts within thoughts has been difficult for me to wrap my brain around. Prayer: "Holy Spirit guide me and grant me understanding as I read." Two truths that seemed to repeating jump at me as I read and reread the passage this week, has been from verse 18 & 19 and 23. "Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, . . . but with the precious blood of Christ" and " . .. . the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever." It is not me, and anything in me, it is God and God alone that does the amazing work of salvation and that keeps us! He abides forever! despite what I do or how I act or think. He is the great I AM. Now and forever.