Wow! This past week has been tough. The holiday weekend at the beginning of the week, a sick child home for two days, and an explainable lack of focus have all contributed to making my study time much more of a discipline than a joy this week.
My prayers as I have entered Bible Study this week, have been very much along the lines of, "Father, drive away the distractions and help me focus on Your Word! PLEASE!!!"
God's gracious riches extended to me, so that I may obey and honor Him has been the thought that has been noticeable to me in the passage this week. I am so grateful that even when I don't feel it, God is good and still is choosing to guide and bless me.
As I enter this week, I had hoped to be moving on to a new habit to solidify. Not so -- my focus is going to be staying on track. I sense I am at a crossroads in my study time and the development of this habit of everyday focus moments. I will either continue on in the pursuit of something I know is good, or I will turn aside to something else. The something else is not really what I want to do . . . so for this week - focus and perseverance!