Last week was a good start to the development of my Hello Mornings Habit. I was up a bit earlier each day, though I did not get my study time in each day before others were up and needing attention.
I did get through all five days of my Bible Study and actually had an extra day to do some additional reading. Yah! The feeling of taking control of my day and being more proactive and intentional is wonderful. I think also, the fact that my family is seeing that this is important to me has been wonderful.
This week's focus will be to not only continue getting up a bit earlier to do some reading and study, but to be getting to bed a bit earlier to make those morning moments more enjoyable. This should help too with solidifying my evening routine as we head into the school year.
How are you doing on the development of your new habit? Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed. One tiny baby step at a time . . . you are moving forward!
How are you doing on the development of your new habit? Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed. One tiny baby step at a time . . . you are moving forward!