Well, this morning started out very slow around here . . . things were kind of a mess from a home management standpoint and physically I feel awful . . . I have a severe head cold, the worst in years, and it has really made my body feel terrible. Usually Mondays are my cleaning days and I start the day with some time blogging, reading and writing. This morning, knowing I wanted to post something and not being sure where to turn to start, I did a Google search for blogging basics. (I am learning how to do this in the way I would like and definitely need some guidance.) I found Melanie Nelson at Blogging Basics 101. What a great resource she appears to be.
One of the first things she says to do as you start blogging, find your niche. OK. so . . . niche, huh? Well, . . . what is my niche?!? This will be interesting! Abby suggested several questions to get one thinking along the line of they could choose as their niche. So this weeks assignment for myself: find, better said, define my niche. I am sure it will change and grow over the years, for I hope to be doing this for a long time to come, but for now what would I like to define my online writing as? Well, next week, I hope to have a better idea - for now, on to my blogging "homework".
Now, that I have spent my morning reading, writing, and drinking coffee (around playing with my son and putting him down for his nap - not an easy task this morning), it is off to clean and pick up, maybe squeeze a nap in too, my head is starting to feel a bit fuzzy . . .