A little family history and background to this story: When my husband and I were first married, we purchased an old sewing machine from an elderly lady who was moving. The machine though older than me, came with a very nice end table. It was designed to fold down into the table and be a very functional piece of furniture when not in use - and that is how it has sat in our home for several years.
Through a move, the birth of three children, and the many adventures we have lived over the last several years; my visions of mending and sewing clothes to stretch our clothing budget or making quilts for my kids have remained that visions. Any sewing activity has been pushed lower on the priority list as we have lived our life. Several times I have suggested letting the machine go to a better home with the justification that when I have the time to sew we would be able to find another machine. My dear husband has resisted my every effort to release it and tenaciously found a place for the table and its hidden machine in the many furniture rearranges we have done.
Earlier this month, when the Christmas tree came down, the sewing machine was moved into it's place in our living room. With the machine out in the living area of our home, the questions about how it worked and requests to use it began from my budding homemaker daughter. So, when she was home from school the other day, we opened it up, examined it, and tested how it worked. We threaded the machine, put in a new bobbin, and mended a few items that needed a straight stitch.
Then a few days later my daughter requested we sew something, and so out came the material that has been packed away for years. After the last couple of days of familiarizing myself with the machine and recalling how it all works, and a couple days of mending things here and there between other life responsibilities; we were ready to make the book bag she had requested.
I made a pattern from tissue paper and my "assistant" found a cute teddy bear print material in our stash. The bag was to be for her teacher who loves teddy bears. We designed the bag to be large enough to carry some books, for "she has a lot of reading books" was the reasoning, but not so large as to overwhelm me in my new endeavor. Three hours later (with a few interruptions along the way) we had a very nice bag!
I don't know what gave me more joy: the sense of accomplishment from designing and completing the project or the wonder in my daughter's eyes as she saw the bag take shape and her excitment as it became a reality.