As I contemplate what to say this week, my thoughts are filled with ideas about making life easier. Not more efficient, but simplier.
- Don't make it too complicated.
- Take it easy.
- Less is more.
- Remove what you don't want to make room for what you do.
The list could go on of sayings and ideas about making our lives more enjoyable, simple. After all who really loves the complicated mess that can become our days? the chaos and hetic pace we tend to think is normal? Some have convinced themselves this busyness is a must to enjoy life, to be sucessful in whatever undertaking they find themselves doing, to get the most of life.
Is all really necessary? I hold that it is not. Life is best enjoyed simply. Take a moment, or better yet, a day.
- Breathe deeply.
- Take a walk.
- Slow your pace a bit.
- Enjoy the moments as they come.
Find that things more complicated, busy, full are not always better.
Plan, prepare, live - but leave some margin for just being.